Donk and Ted were angry with me, because in the previous post, I showed my self to be 'Miss Perfect listener' in the class. So I guess, now it is the turn of my face to get dirty.
Like every other college, our college too has a 'most admired', 'most venerated' and the 'most loved' person. This person has her way everyday and with everyone. And we were the fortunate ones who could have this noteworty person to handle quite a few subjects in different semesters.
This particular class, was given to us to prepare for an oral test. We had to memorise an answer and tell it to her in turns. Those who fail to do so, would have to stayback after 3:30 and write a test and could leave only after 5:00pm.
Though we were back benchers this semester. We were particularly very careful to be extra well behaved and pretend extra well in her class. Because if we were caught doing any mischief.....!!! you know........................I told you she's very nice, she will then bother herself to treat us extra specially well.
So this oral exam session, was going on for some time. And Ted!! Who is the greatest admirer of this person, went to be the first person to give the oral test. I followed her and then Donk came...
It was kinda relieving to be finished with our turns of finishing our oral sessions. So I was just gazing at her face, her mannerisms, her intellect, her posture, and my brain started generating many caricatures.
I have a crazy brain.....that gets me into trouble more than it gets me into honor.
These funny cartoons start popping up in my mind.. and I just could not control smiling. Ted was staring at me, and knowing that quite often I get into my own worlds....she asked "Hey!! yenna thaniya sirrikirae ..? (Why are you laughing ..?) "
I try to communicate the funny images to her..but the only that she could get out of it were my big teeth popping out of my lips..
So!! quite naturally I got the attention of Ms.Important , and she said "Hey you!! get up.... Yenna Sirripu (why are you laughing..?) and I go to the I-am-ashamed-of-my-actions mode standing up with a really sad face.
She said.."What?? you think you know everything..?What is your percentage..?" I slowly mumble the two digit number in a monotone...
"So you think too much of your self haa..?" " Go and stand out of the class..."
I guess she expected I'd say sorry...and just stand up and look at her with pleading eyes, but I was just not in mood for that.I needed some fresh air.So, I walked straight up to the dias.. where she was standing., staring and waiting.. and then took a left heading straight to the door.....
This is the story of how I became an outstanding student.
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