Monday, March 2, 2009

Heal ME...!

Our 5th semester was entirely spent as back benchers, we had come a little late to the class on the first day of this semester so we missed our usual spot in the class.

Unfortunately, all the faculty handling us that semester were new to us. Quite obviously they had no clue about us. To them, we were nothing lesser than mischevious backbenchers. The slightest smile would provoke them thinking we passed a comment, and the signature stare when we write surprise tests would bring in doubts whether our eyes were prying into each others' test papers.And our assignments were the sample ones checked on behalf of the class. What a privilege!!!

"Back Bench Stand up"!! 

We kept hearing this for a whole semester. 

But this was the semester we had so much fun. It was really kinda exciting to be in the limelight in every class. 

We were particularly very famous in Microprocessor and Networks class. 

Hey Donk and Ted!!! this is for the both of you...

Remember, one Networks class, Sir was teaching FDDI. And we were in our usual modes; in our own worlds. Donk was leg wrestling with you, and you were busy complaining to me that she was hurting your 'small' legs. 

I just remembered that whenever sir mentioned FDDI, he had a favorite question. I also noticed his short stares at the busy warriors sitting next to me.

It struck me that the next question would be to the one of us. So I said to Ted, "Listen man!!, sir will ask a question now..Just stand up and say, 'self-healing property'.."

As usual you didn't give a thing about what I said and continued with your warfare.And Bang!!! the question came to Donk.

She got up and Ted says the answer to Donk in the langugage of a ventriloquist. Donk answers it, and quite taken by surprise sir says, "Very Good!! Be seated".

Before you guys could begin with your next innings, Donk asks Ted, "Hey what was that question..?" Ted asks me "Hey what was the question..?" 

And there I go, "The question was, What is the special property of FDDI?" . Donk asks, "Could you repeat the answer? " 

I say "self-healing" property. 

Both break out in laughter. 

The answer Donk had actually said was., "Self-feeling property!!!"

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