We have been listening to a lot of punchy one-liners through out our days in the class rooms.
This particular one liner was from one of our first year classes in which we learn how to look at different objects in various views and draw their projections.
I guess you remember the typical scene in this class.
First it would be "Draw a pentagon", when we'd say "Pardon me, I didn't hear it.." it would become a hexagon and if someone does give a third run it would land up as a octagon. You must have heard Tamil , English and even Tanglish. But the version that we'd been hearing in these classes was English spoken in Tamil. The British killed many Indians during our struggle for independance, in revenge, some patriots like our 'hero' in this class would kill their language in the most torturous manner.
If you'd remember, the majority of our classes dealt with points, projections, and views. We had to draw a figure in different projections.
This particular figure had a fateful point called 'q'. So this is how, it goes
"This is be which is be which comes as be the end 'q' "
All for saying, "Now, this is the end point q "!!
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