Thursday, February 19, 2009

Habit Engineering College

I am an engineer, only with paper value at the moment.

I don't blame our educational system, I don't blame our inefficient faculty who become teachers by chance rather than by choice, I don't blame the 'Dr' chancellors and correspondents and their "hard-earned" "M.A Phds", I don't blame the fact that none of our engineering colleges are run by educationalists, I don't blame the fact that our exams are a further mockery of our system.

I hate the blame game. So I take it on myself. Ouch!! but then my ego hurts. So I'll tell you how our funny engineering college education can help us in some way.

My college education failed badly to prepare my brains, but it did do a great job in habit formation.

They say, Good habits take a long time to form. I invested 4 years of my life for this.

1)I can never be late.

2)I can never think about giving an excuse for not completing an assignment.

3)I will not take leave unless and until my head falls off.

4)I can patiently listen and take notes even in the most boring lecture.

5)I will never take my mobile phone to a class or a meeting.

6)NO matter, how absolutely baseless a rule maybe, I can adapt myself to it.

7)Nothing is taken for granted.I will prepare for even the most mundane things.

8)I won't over-socialize, there are strict boundaries circuited in my system.

9)I don't extend lunch times for chit-chats.

10)I am no extravagant shopper for clothes or accessories. I hardly spend a minute before the mirror.

11)Even when I am not watched at, I obey rules. Even if not asked, I follow protocol.

12)I know to have fun no matter what.

Guys, if you think college will make you an engineer, then you are wrong, it can only get you a degree. A "good" college like mine can help you form habits along with getting you a degree. Do we spend lakhs of money just for learning habits?? Hey!! that's the state of the day and I don't intend neither do I believe I can change the system through a blog post.

Though our educational system is at serious fault.Blaming them is not going to make life any better.Many are unhappy, because they are searching for the wrong things in college.

  • Don't take your dreams to your college. Only take your note books. Use your time in college to observe people, organization, work politics, and train yourself to follow rules.
  • Learn the fundas, you'll never get so much time again.
  • Make friends.There are wonderful people out there.It is hard to get genuine friendship after this phase.
  • Work the work that's given to you, learn for exams, do the assignments. It sounds kinda boring but these exercises help you to keep your brain from rusting.

If you plan to use your "professional education" to build your career, then your career would be shallow and with stunted growth.With time you'd become stressed out,dissatisfied,obese, and start attending yoga and art of living classes.

Consider these years as warming up exercises, your real engineering education begins after you receive your degree.Here you are the chancellor, principal, professor, instructor and the student. Your performance is assessed by the market.

Your dreams will be your closest friend and good memories will bring a smile.

In the journey from paper to professional!!!


  1. Good write up on what all the university education offered. May be habit formation.All of a sudden you are on your own.Most of the educational systems offer theoretical knowledge i a routine manner. Real learning starts only after they(You)leave the campus.

    Personality development and leadership skills are killed in many professional institutions in India.But once on job there is a possibility of
    developing these skills. It all depends on where you are placed.

    God Bless You !


  2. 0kk.. very impressive bl0g bt i've issues b0ut a few things that ur "g00d" c0llege had t0t u . .

    u can never be late?? neither can i !! n trust me my c0llege stinks esp. ven it c0mes t0 punctuality. its nt sumthin a c0llege shud teach u !! its an ethic (that s0me idi0ts have n0 clue b0ut :D . . f0r them yes ur c0ll s li d best place t0 learn b0ut it !!)

    i can think 0f an excuse in secs.. it gets u 0uttta things . jus imagine if ur d0g had actually eaten ur assignment(0r if u had t0 g0 f0r a muvie :) ; i d0n wannna becum a s0cial reject!!)

    u cann0t take a day 0ff ?? c'm0n.. wat if u had t0 study r wrk f0r 20 st. dayz n they make u cme 0n a weekend t0 attend sme shit annual day.. excuse me!!! nt g0nna happen.. m definitely gna getta a fevr r g0d f0rbid even dysentry ;)

    0k the next 0ne s valid ... bt ehh... y take ntes ven u can alwyz take f0t0 c0pies.!! :D .. newyz valid it'll definitely help u 0nn d l0ng run (if u have t0 listen t0 lectures f0r d rest 0f ur lyfe i.e)

    hmmm m0bile..?? i dunn0...!!! acc 2 me as l0ng it d0es nt disrupt a meeting .. its fine.. bt still views may vary..!!

    a baseless rule . . is baseless rte.. s0 easy t0 be br0ken . . :P y wud i adapt t0 it..??? [m0kka i knw . . bt still . . i pers0nally hate rules esp. if they are baseless]

    hmmm mundane pnt taken.. n0 arguments..!! :)

    strict b0undaries?? 0ver s0cialize?? dude chill!!! itz ur lyfe . . live it !! (d0esn mean u shud g0 0ut partyin bt gng 0ut wid a frnd wudn hurt!!! n havin fun wid ppl arnd u is nt a sin!!! )

    n0 chit chats?? ur takin things way t00 seriusly.. wat r u??? 65 yrs 0ld?? as l0ng as ur wrk s d0ne a bit 0f chit chat wnt hurt..!! :D

    hmmm access0ries ?? cl0thing...?? again views may vary... s0 n0 c0mments

    g00d pnt.. bt dat makes life b0rrinn (at least 4 me!!! ppl have their 0wn perspective 0f things)

    hmm d last pnt.. like it .. dats c00l...

    PS: i ap0l0gize f0r this l0nggg c0mment bt itz jus that i feel a few 0f the pnts listed are very disturbing (at least f0r me!!)
    i may be wrng bt jus had t0 state my pnt 0f view.. n thanks f0r the bl0g entry it made me think a l0t b0ut hw ppl can actually take lyfe in different wayz
    b0ut d rest 0f the bl0g n0 issues.. i sec0nd all ur 0ther views !!!
